Someone had a Lucky Day Online - Or Maybe Not

Posted:September 2009

I was reading up on the the main event of Pokerstars World Championships of Online Poker and was amazed to see that the prize pool was 10 Million 720 thousand! That is some crazy amounts of money - i guess the downside was the five grand buy in - that said, there were still over 2000 entrants.

Reading up on the winner 'TheV0id', he is being investigated by Pokerstars over suspicions of multi-accounting - i can't imagine the sleep you would lose if they decided not to pay out for breach of terms and conditions!

Speculation arose that "TheV0id" was actually the sister of a well-known pro named Mark Teltscher. Speculation ran rampant that Mark Teltscher's normal Pokerstars account and "TheV0id" had played the tournament from the same IP address. Obviously, most people suspected multi-accounting.

The next couple of days will be telling in which in am sure Pokerstars will communicate the outcome to the poker community.


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