English Smoking Ban Ends Poker Club Smoking

Posted:July 2007

Well the talk is over and as of today, June 1st, England joined Scotland in banning smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces. To give you a summary of the ban that is now in place, here is a summary: 


• Premises signage must contain the wording "No smoking. It is against the law to smoke in these premises."

• Secondary 'employee only' entrances require a smoking prohibition symbol of at least 70mm Dia.

• Entrances to smoke-free premises within other smoke-free premises require a smoking prohibition symbol of at least 70mm Dia.

• All public transport plus business vehicles need to display a no smoking symbol.


This of course means the end of smoking in all the Poker Clubs across the country. There has been significant resistance to the new legislation with many places across the country ignoring the new law. With more and more pressure being applied in addition to hefty fines for anyone caught lighting up, the days of smoky back clubs is sure at an end. 


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